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Ordbog / Batch size

Batch size

Sidst opdateret 21. august 2023

What is batch size?

Batch size refers to the quantity of products or items produced, processed, or ordered at one time.

What factors influence batch size?

  • Production constraints: Batch sizes are often determined by the capacity and efficiency of production processes. Machines and equipment might have specific setup timers, changeover costs, and optimal operating speeds that influence the most efficient batch size.
  • Economies of scale: Larger batch sizes can lead to economies of scale, where production costs per unit decreases as batch size increases. This is often due to reduced setup and changeover costs relative to the total production output.
  • Demand patterns: The variability of predictability of demand plays a role in determining batch sizes. For products with stable and predictable demand, larger batch sizes might be viable. For products with more volatile demand, smaller batch sizes might be preferred to avoid excessive inventory.


Smaller batch sizes can reduce , minimize inventory levels, and provide more agility in responding to changes in customer demand or design modifications. They can also help identify quality issues more quickly since fewer defective units would be produced before detection.

Larger batch sizes can often lead to reduced setup and changeover times, increasing overall production efficiency. They can also take advantage of economies of scale, leading to potentially lower production costs per unit.

The optimal batch size depends on factors such as production equipment, demand variability, setup times, costs, and desired lead times. Industries often use techniques like Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) models or Lean manufacturing principles to find the right balance between production costs and responsiveness.